


Welcome To Parmarth Niketan Ashram

This ashram is open for the stay of only those pilgrims who are here to devote themselves to sadhana, meditation, seva and satsang. To fully take in the ashram experience we highly encourage you to engage yourself in sadhana, introspection, reflection, meditation, seva and satsang whilst you are here.

Rishikesh – known as the “City of the Divine”- is a spiritual center to which sages, rishis, saints and pilgrims have flocked for millennia. The roads of the city are lined with bustling market places of ethnic arts and handicrafts, fresh produce markets, holy shrines and orange-robed sadhus. Then, the road narrows, the markets become more sparse and you come upon a foot bridge, suspended high over the sacred Ganga river. As you cross this bridge, the sun streaming through the sacred Himalayas to warm your being, you will feel as if you have truly come home.


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Parmarth Niketan Ashram